Local. Why is it important?

Why Is Local Important?

In today’s world, everyone wants to know where their beef comes from. For us at Roseda, it all starts at Roseda Farm.

Our farm in Monkton, Maryland holds approximately 600 head of cattle on our expansive 350 acres. Together with a partnership of local area farmers, we take great care in raising our cattle. Once it’s time to harvest and process the cattle, it is done between our two plants located in Baltimore City. Everything is local, from start to finish.

Mindful of our impact, Roseda Farm strives to keep our environmental footprint as small as possible. We have streamlined our breeding and feeding processes to make them as eco-friendly as possible. We lessen the impact of erosion by feeding our cows on rotational grazing cycles. Our cattle do not stay on one field throughout their entire growth process, which gives the land time to regrow and regenerate quickly and gives the cattle more consistently fresh grass to graze.

Roseda cattle are watered through a gravity-based water system that prevents runoff into local waterways and the Chesapeake Bay. We do not use irrigation, and we actively fence cattle out of areas close to streams to protect our local waterways from animal waste and particulates. In 1998, Roseda was awarded the Cooperator of the Year Award from the Baltimore County Soil Conservation District for our improvements to diminish erosion and runoff.

We also participate in multiple local programs that provide the food insecure members of our community with nutritious products:

  • First Fruits Farm (firstfruitsfarm.org) – a local non-profit organization that provides fresh, nutritious food for the hungry through volunteer service and community partnerships.
  • Maryland Food Bank (mdfoodbank.org) – a local non-profit organization leading the movement to end hunger in Maryland by supplying a large number of food pantries, soup kitchens and faith-based organizations to serve food insecure Marylanders.


One of our core values at Roseda is family. We hold that dear to our hearts, and we believe that our community is our family. We strive to serve and protect our community as much as we possibly can throughout our entire process – from our farm to your family.

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